LES’s purpose is to establish licensing as a profession, enabling its members to meet, to learn from one another and to encourage high professional standards among the individuals engaged in licensing of intellectual property rights and the transfer of technology.
The objectives of LES are:
- To function as a non-profit professional society encouraging high professional standards among individuals engaged in the transfer and licensing of technology and industrial or intellectual property rights.
- To assist its members in improving their skills and techniques in licensing through self-education, the conduct of special studies and research, the sponsorship of educational meetings, the publication of statistics, reports, articles and other material, and the exchange of ideas related to domestic and foreign licensing.
- To inform the public, international bodies, governmental and academic bodies, and the business community concerning the economic significance of licensing and the high professional standards of those engaged in the licensing profession.
- To make available to its members the latest, most accurate, information on licensing.
How these objectives are met at regional level:
- Organization of regular meetings on licensing topics, with networking opportunities
- Educational opportunities, with enhancement of professional qualifications
- Attention to standards of ethical and professional behavior by members
- Publication of a eNewsletter